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"Pengalaman Ujian Masuk NTU Singapura 2017"

30 July 2017

Waktu SMP saya selalu bertanya, di mana sih universitas terbaik di dunia? Saya ketikan itu di search engine untuk mencari jawabannya. Waktu itu ada tiga lembaga yang disuguhkan; Times Higher Education, QS Ranking, dan Webometrics. Sebagian besar top ten-nya berada di Amerika Serikat ( MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Ivy League, dll ) . Lalu saya ganti, yang terbaik di Asia siapa? Waktu itu saya lihat listnya adalah NUS, Tokyo Daigaku, NTU, kemudian Kyoto Daigaku(Peringkat Universitas Indonesia waktu itu masih jauuuh sekali-sekitar 500-an). Saya waktu itu merasa NUS akan menjadi "bintang saya yang ada di langit" sehingga saat SMA aku akan berjuang keras. Kalaupun misalnya tidak diterima, setidaknya saat tes SBMPTN tidak terlalu bingung.Read More..
"National University of Singapore"

26 June 2017

The National University of Singapore (Abbreviation: NUS) is an autonomous university in Singapore. Founded in 1905, it is the oldest institute of higher learning (IHL) in Singapore, as well as the largest university in the country in terms of student enrolment and curriculum offered. NUS is a research-intensive, comprehensive university with an entrepreneurial dimension. NUS is ranked among Asia's top two universities in both the QS World University Rankings and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings in 2018. According to the latest 2018 QS World University Rankings, NUS is placed 15th in the world and 2nd in Asia. Alternatively, the ARWU ranking system published by the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy that measures universities academic achievements and research performance places NUS 83rd worldwide. Read More..
"Nanyang Technological University"

26 June 2017

The Nanyang Technological University (Abbreviation: NTU) is an autonomous university in Singapore. NTU is consistently ranked amongst the world's best universities in all of the major college and university rankings and is regarded as one of the top 2 universities in Asia. In the 2017/18 QS World University Rankings, NTU was ranked 11th in the world and 1st in Asia, surpassing rival university National University of Singapore for the very first time.In the 2016 Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings, NTU came in joint 2nd in Asia, with Peking University. Read More..
"Welcome To My First Post!"

26 June 2017

In this website you will be able to see my current condition, and updates about me! Enjoy!
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